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• Nasaleze is a Class 1 medical device in Europe

• Natural protection of allergy symptoms from hay fever, dust mites and animal dander

• Drug free, fast-acting and non-drowsy • 30-day supply (200 doses) • Safe for pregnant and breast feeding women

• Safe for children (under supervision) • Refreshing mint flavour

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Ingredients Contains inert natural cellulose powder of vegetable origin and peppermint powder.

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What is Nasaleze

Nasaleze, an inert proprietary grade of micronized cellulose powder, is composed of fine particles of inert cellulose that are applied to the inside of the nose via a unique delivery system. Nasaleze is clinically proven to deliver fast, effective protection against hay fever caused by airborne allergens such as dust mites and pet allergies. A novel patented method ensures delivery of an effective dose via the nasal cavity. Nasaleze is a unique, natural product that works with your body’s own defence mechanism to strengthen your resistance to airborne allergens, it reduces the need to take rescue medication for symptoms caused by hay fever, pollen, dust mite or animal dander. Acting as a barrier to airborne allergens, Nasaleze stops the cause of allergies rather than just treating the symptoms. Nasaleze meets both the highest purity and safety standards, it can be used successfully to relieve the most chronic symptoms reported by allergy sufferers. Studies have demonstrated that Nasaleze substantially improves the rate of Nasal Mucous Clearance and PNIFR (Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow Rate) and significantly reduces the need for rescue medication.

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Who is it for?

Many sufferers are looking for something new. Even ‘non-drowsy’ antihistamines can have a hangover effect and long term use of steroids is not desirable. Some sufferers will already be taking medication for other reasons and will not want to combine drugs. Others may be pregnant or breast feeding and parents of school age children will want genuinely non-sedating treatment.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Indications” icon=””]

Indications When administered Nasaleze protects from and strengthens resistance to airborne allergens such as pollen, dust mites and animal dander. Nasaleze is a clinically-proven, unique, natural product that works with the body’s own nasal defence mechanism.

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Mechanism of action

Nasaleze gets to work when the cellulose powder meets the moisture always found present in the nasal tract to form a protective gel-like barrier. This barrier prevents contact between aggravating airborne allergens and the mucosa. Thereby preventing mast cell degranulation and the release of histamine. Thus avoiding the allergic reaction and classic symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). Relief from symptoms can occur in minutes for many patients or within less than 3 hours for others. Over 20 positive clinical trials with statistically significant results have been conducted on Nasaleze. and the product is proven to effectively relieve symptoms such as sneezing, runny/itch nose and eyes as well as nasal inflamation. Severe allergy sufferers can combine Nasaleze with their regular drug treatment for added relief. Although our studies have proven that many sufferers can reduce their allergy drug intake by preventing their symptoms with Nasaleze alone.
